"Fear not,even unto death, for in this life your joy is not full,but in me your joy is full"... On June 27,2008 Heavenly Father called my littlest one Davis home. He was truely a blessing to all who knew him but also to others who he taught the true meaning of life to, even through his short exsistence here in the mortal earth. To live each day loving one another, and not letting feellings of contention, and anger get in the way. The prophet Joseph Smith once said This world is a very wicked world; and it … grows more wicked and corrupt. … The Lord takes many away, even in infancy, that they may escape the envy of man, and the sorrows and evils of this present world; they were too pure, too lovely, to live on earth; therefore, if rightly considered, instead of mourning we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from evil, and we shall soon have them again. … I am truely grateful for the oppurtunity to have had an angel so lovely and pure sent to me for the time he was here. I am thankful for the gospel and all that it teaches us in times of trials and tribulation. Elder Neal A. Maxwell wrote, when for the moment we ourselves are not being stretched on a particular cross,we ought to be at the foot of someone elses. I am thankful for all the many thoughts of love from all of you , and I am thankful for those who have mourned with me in my time of sorrow, comforted me when I stood in need of comfort, for you are truely standing as witness's of god, and I have Faith that I will soon hold my child again,in a worry free world when all of our loved ones will come forth through the atonment of christ in the morning of the ressurection. And I know Weeping may endure for the night, And sorrow may continue for long, But joy cometh in the morning
Disneyland Dec 2010
14 years ago
Hey Lace Maryjo gave me your blog hope you don't mind here is my blog if you want to get on it. Loved the costume wish i would of thought of it.
Aww Lacey what a beautiful post!
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